Baltic mesolithic substratum of the first Indo-Europeans of Europe


  • L. L. Zaliznyak


Indo-Europeans, Mesolithic substratum, Baltic cultural province, Maglemeze, Mariupol, Seredny Stig, Funnelbeaker, Yamna cultures


The archeology and anthropology data evidence that in the lowlands from the Low Rain at the West to the Middle Dnipro and Siversky Donets rivers at the east Baltic ethno-culture province developed during last 12 thousand years. This culture province aroused as a result waves of largescale migrations periodically moved from Central Europe by Middle European lowlands far to the east since Final Paleolithic (fig. 2–14). In VI–V mil. BC because of migration process from West Baltic region to the south-east direction had been formed group related late Mesolithic cultures (fig. 6–9). The numerous finds specific flint artefacts (janislawitsa points) testify that the migrants from Baltic region reached the Dnipro rapids region and even into Donets river basin (fig. 6, 9). On this base in V–IV mil. BC formed group relationship Neolithic cultures: Ertebolle, Dubichay, Strumil, Nieman, Dnipro-Donets in South Baltic region, Polissya lowland, the Middle Dnipro and the basin the Donets river. The evidence of it is postmaglemoze character of the flint complexes the oldest Neolithic sites of mention territory (janislawitsa points, triangles, microburins). There are anthropological evidences about an existence of culture-genetic unity between the Rhine and the Donets rivers in VI-V mil. BC. The anthropological materials from the cemeteries of the Dnipro Basin provides evidences about moving Mesolithic population from Baltic area to the Low and Middle Dnipro. The Neolithic cemeteries of Low Dnipro and Azov region (Mariupol, Vovnigy I, III, Volnyanka, Jasinovatka, Mikilske) (VI–V mil. BC) contain remains massive north europoids (fig. 15, 17). This Neolithic materials and the materials from synchronically burials of Denmark (Vedbeak, Ertebolle etc.) provides evidences about certain cultural and genetic relationship between the population which had lived them. There were similar massive north European anthropological type (fig. 15–17). The oldest real Indo-Europeans IV–III mil. BC (cultures Seredny Stig, Yamna, Funnelbeaker, Globular Amphora, Corded Ware) belonged to the same or related north European anthropological type, as their direct ancestors V-th mil. BC (Dnipro-Donets and Ertebolle cultures). But from IV-III mil. BC we can see the beginning the process of gracilization. So, the oldest Indo-Europeans started to form in VI–V mil. BC on the base local north European hunter-gatherer Mesolithic population under cultural influence and certain influx less massive non-Indo-Europeans, Near-Eastern population from farmer Neolithic centres of Balkan and Danube area. So, the oldest Indo-Europeans stock breeding unites aroused in the end of V–IV mil. BC in the forest-steppe and steppe territories of the Dnipro rapids and Left Bank Ukraine (Mariupol, Seredny Stig cultures etc.). In the west part of Neolithic proto Indo-European zone of Europe (fig. 18) the first real Indo-European unity was Funnel Beaker and Globular Amphora cultures of South Baltic region which is dating the IV–III mil. BC. According to archaeological data the spreading of the Indo-Europeans in the steppe zone of Eurasia began in the beginning of IV mil. BC from Left Bank Ukraine (fig. 18). So, in VI–V mil. BC the some kind of barbarian periphery of Balkan-Danube Neolithic protocivilization aroused to the north of it in the lowlands from the Rhine to the Donets river (fig. 6). It has been formed on the base of the autochthonous Mesolithic population which moved from the West Baltic region to the south-east through the Oder, Vistula, Pripet, Middle Dnieper basins to the forest-steppe zone of Left Bank Ukraine. These related cultures of aboriginal hunters and fishermen developed under a strong progressive influence from the Balkan Neolithic. Because of this southern influence and a spread of steppes through the aridization of climate the above-mentioned local hunting-fishing society of the north Europoids became to transform in the oldest stock-breeding Indo-European cultures IV mil. BC (Mariupol, Seredny Stig, Novodanilovo, Funnel Beaker, Globular Amphora etc.). The stock breeding caused the spread of Indo-European culture and languages in the steppe zone of Europe and Asia in IV–II mil. BC (fig. 1, 18). It happened in Eneolithic epoch the very favourable for a stock breeding conditions of the aridization of climate. The aridization caused to the spreading of the steppes and to the collapse of Balkan Neolithic civilisation. It stimulated stock breeding us the separate brunch of economy and the populating the steppes by oldest stockbreeding tribes with the Indo-European culture and languages from the Danube to Mongolia, India and Iran (fig. 1, 18).


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How to Cite

Zaliznyak, L. L. (2017). Baltic mesolithic substratum of the first Indo-Europeans of Europe. Origin of Language and Culture: Ancient History of Mankind, 4(1), 5–26. Retrieved from


