Cult of Sirius, Trypillian standard of agriculture and an origin of custom "Jubilee" at Ancient Jews


  • А.В. Букалов


mythology, cult of Sirius, Trypillian culture, the Balkan neolith, Anniversary, Dogon, Ancient Jews, the Old Testament, sacral number 50


The cult of star system of Sirius, developed in the neolithic agricultural cultures of V-III thousand B.C. on the Balkans and the Mediterranean and kept in full at the Dogon tribe in Sudan, explains an origin of Trypillian ritual of burning of settlements each 50 years, and also an origin of agricultural ritual custom "Jubilee" at the Ancient Jews, fixed in the Old Testament.


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How to Cite

Букалов, А. (2008). Cult of Sirius, Trypillian standard of agriculture and an origin of custom "Jubilee" at Ancient Jews. Origin of Language and Culture: Ancient History of Mankind, 2(2), 26–28. Retrieved from


